Improve Page Speed and User Experience with Lighthouse

In today’s world, website speed is crucial for a successful online business. With the increasing number of internet users worldwide, the competition for attention is fierce, and a slow website can quickly lose potential customers. The good news is that Google’s...

Improve page speed by eliminating render blocking resources

Page speed is an essential aspect of website performance. The speed at which a page loads can impact user experience, engagement, and search engine rankings. One of the factors that affect page speed is render-blocking resources. In this blog post, we will discuss...

Cloudflare, Enhancing Online Performance and Security

In today’s digital age, businesses and organizations rely heavily on the internet to connect with customers, vendors, and partners. However, with the rise of cyber threats, online security and performance have become critical issues that need to be addressed....

What is caching and how it improves WordPress speed

Caching is one of the most effective ways to improve the speed of a WordPress website. Caching involves storing frequently accessed data or information in a temporary storage location or cache. This way, the data can be retrieved quickly without the need to request it...

No need to merge CSS or JS files if you are using HTTP/2

With the increasing adoption of HTTP/2, the performance of web applications has been greatly improved. One of the most significant improvements in HTTP/2 is the way it handles resource files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. In traditional HTTP/1.1, merging these...

What is WebP and how it improves your page speed

Images are an essential component of any website. They make the website visually appealing and help to convey information to visitors. However, large image files can slow down website speed, which can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings. This...